University of Southern Indiana

University of Southern Indiana’s review of the Clear Writing Club and StyleWriter:

University of Southern Indiana's review of the Clear Writing Club and StyleWriter

“You would think that as a journalism instructor I would not need software to keep my writing simple and direct. I seldom write passively, but, alas, I have wandered into the murk of verbosity. StyleWriter delivered my comeuppance. In the beginning StyleWriter disheartened me, unmasking my waywardness. Then it became a tool, almost a friend. Now it is an opponent to defeat in advance.

In short, StyleWriter has become a mentor, a teacher, and a friend. I recommend it to my students and fellow faculty members, and I am pondering requiring it for two upper division courses next year. Though I occasionally hesitate for a few seconds before loading StyleWriter, or loading my opponent’s weapon, I get three “excellent” grades before I start fixing the debris.” – Professor at University of Southern Indiana.

The University of Southern Indiana is a public university just outside of Evansville, Indiana. Founded in 1965, USI enrolls 9,750 dual credit, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students in more than 130 areas of study.

Clear, concise and profitable writing

Using StyleWriter will not only help you and your organization improve your writing, but it will also help you to focus on what you are actually writing.

It will train you to reconsider the very reason for your writing and it’s purpose. Which will increase your own efficiencies.

The latest StyleWriter now checks your text for over a million issues.  It’s become the style guide for Microsoft Word users.

Download StyleWriter 4 now for a 14-day free trial

(With no need to add a credit card)

The download contains a Tutor to StyleWriter 4. We recommend you watch the Tutor’s videos to understand the program’s features.


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Clear Writing Club- clear writing style, how to write clearly and concisely, Concise writing tool.