University of Southern Indiana

University of Southern Indiana's review of the Clear Writing Club and StyleWriter: "You would think that as a journalism instructor I would not need software to keep my writing simple and direct. I seldom write passively, but, alas, I have wandered into the murk of verbosity. StyleWriter delivered my comeuppance. In the beginning StyleWriter disheartened me, unmasking my waywardness. Then it became a tool, almost a friend. Now it is an opponent to defeat in advance. In short, StyleWriter has become a mentor, a teacher, and a friend. I recommend it to my students and fellow faculty members, and I am pondering requiring it for two upper division courses next year. Though I occasionally hesitate for a few seconds before loading StyleWriter, or loading my opponent’s weapon, I get three “excellent” grades before I start fixing the debris." – Professor at University of Southern Indiana. The University of Southern Indiana is a public university just outside of Evansville, Indiana. Founded in 1965, USI enrolls 9,750 dual credit, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students in more than 130 areas of study. Clear,…

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Accountant Magazine

Accountant Magazine’s review of the Clear Writing Club and StyleWriter: "Using StyleWriter is a real eye-opener. It gives instant analysis and ratings for style, sentence length and passive verbs. My style was consistently rated poor until I started to follow the program’s advice. Now my writing is consistently good and occasionally the program rates it as excellent." – Accountant Magazine The Accountant is the "oldest accountancy journal in the world". It was initially developed as a journal of accountancy issues in the UK, but has since expanded to cover broad global issues. Today, The Accountant is published monthly and reports on a range of topics, including changes in accounting standards, corporate reporting, audit quality, staff shortages, technology, IFRS, succession planning, tax and auditor liability. The Accountant was established in 1874 as a journal for the accountancy profession. Its first publisher was Alfred Gee who wanted the publication to be independent. As the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales explains in its library database, Gee didn't want the magazine to be affiliated with any professional body, although in 1890…

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PC Plus Magazine

PC Plus Magazine's review of the Clear Writing Club and StyleWriter: "StyleWriter especially impressed me in flagging only a handful of false errors that are common with grammar checkers. Its advice was intelligent, and it came across as a practical and effective aid to good clear writing." – PC Plus Magazine. PC Plus was a computer magazine published monthly from 1986 in the UK by Future plc. The magazine was aimed at intermediate to advanced PC users, computer professionals and enthusiasts. The magazine was specifically for users of PCs and related technologies so features articles were undiluted by coverage of other platforms. It began its life specifically as a magazine aimed at the Amstrad PC user. Join the Clear Writing Style Club When you take out membership to our Clear Writing Style  Club you can use the Clear Writing Style seal on your documents and websites.  Once a member, you can put the seal on as many documents as you want if they pass StyleWriter’s Clarity Check by scoring over 70 on the Clarity Index. Clear, concise and profitable writing…

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