Professional StyleWriter writers’ reviews
Below are listed recent writers' reviews of using StyleWriter: "I sent my first book to Random House. They told me it was the first draft they had ever received that didn't need editing. I'm afraid I didn't tell them I'd used StyleWriter." Author of Text Books "I write novels and I have to tell you how thrilled I am with StyleWriter. I've recommended it to several writers, new and old, on Writer's Digest. Thank you for a wonderful product." Candace Smith - Novelist “I have been using StyleWriter for over a year now and my writing has improved beyond comprehension. Previously I had self-published five sports books on powerlifting and weight training. Some buyers said the books were technically great, but a difficult read. So I decided to go to second editions using your software. When I edited them, I was horrified at my bad writing. Now they are far easier to read and understand - StyleWriter really works.” Paul Kerridge Writer “I promise to sing your praises to my friends and colleagues in the writing community. StyleWriter helped me…