Professional StyleWriter writers’ reviews

Below are listed recent writers' reviews of using StyleWriter: "I sent my first book to Random House. They told me it was the first draft they had ever received that didn't need editing. I'm afraid I didn't tell them I'd used StyleWriter." Author of Text Books "I write novels and I have to tell you how thrilled I am with StyleWriter. I've recommended it to several writers, new and old, on Writer's Digest. Thank you for a wonderful product." Candace Smith - Novelist “I have been using StyleWriter for over a year now and my writing has improved beyond comprehension. Previously I had self-published five sports books on powerlifting and weight training. Some buyers said the books were technically great, but a difficult read. So I decided to go to second editions using your software. When I edited them, I was horrified at my bad writing. Now they are far easier to read and understand - StyleWriter really works.” Paul Kerridge Writer “I promise to sing your praises to my friends and colleagues in the writing community. StyleWriter helped me…

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Professional StyleWriter users

Professional StyleWriter users' reviews Below are listed recent users' review of using StyleWriter: "StyleWriter is pure genius." David Vickers "StyleWriter is such a valuable tool; I sometimes wonder what I would do without it. It is a trusted crutch on which I persistently rely." Alan Dennis "I must say that StyleWriter is fantastic. It's almost an unfair advantage! It makes me look smarter than I really am.” John Fueston "What a wonderful program! It's like having a good friend sit next to you as you write, but who has the courage to give honest advice on your writing." Webmaster "StyleWriter is a great program, user-friendly, and does what it says it will. I take my hat off to the designers. Nothing compares to StyleWriter." Matthew Pierce "Once I followed StyleWriter's advice and switched passive verbs into active verbs, my writing became shorter, clearer and less ambiguous. StyleWriter's advice on passive verbs alone is worth the price of the program." Government Administrator "StyleWriter has improved my writing 100 percent." Georgene Collins "As I edit, StyleWriter's analysis and ratings of my document…

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Candace Smith, Novelist

Candace Smith - Novelist's review of the Clear Writing Club and StyleWriter: "I write novels and I have to tell you how thrilled I am with StyleWriter. I’ve recommended it to several writers, new and old, on Writer’s Digest. Thank you for a wonderful product!" Candace lives on a small ranch in Florida and raises miniature horses. She is a former Marine and owned a knitting store in Wyoming, before moving back to Florida in 1984. In 2009, Candace sold the lounge she owned for ten years, and began writing full time. She has been an avid pool player for twenty five years, and spends the warmer weather kayaking on the river. Her works diversify from erotic romances, to strong BDSM novels, and fantasy erotica. Please browse her website for additional titles at: Clear, concise and profitable writing Using StyleWriter will not only help you and your organization improve your writing, but it will also help you to focus on what you are actually writing. It will train you to reconsider the very reason for your writing and it’s purpose. Which…

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Stephen Joseph- Writer

Stephen Joseph - Writer's review of the Clear Writing Club and StyleWriter: "I am an African American writer based out of New York City. I always considered myself an effective writer, self-taught in the trade. Not until I came across your software did I realize how wrong I was in my assumption. StyleWriter revealed my weaknesses and shortcomings. When it comes to clear, concise and sharp writing, there is no better software. I knew when I downloaded your software I was getting something useful and proficient. Stylewriter helps me evaluate prose, sentence structure and syntax for snappy writing. Stylewriter is a user-friendly guide for the seasoned professional and for the beginner. I would highly recommend your software to other writers out there looking for an editorial software program without the deadline demands. I intend to use it as my own personal Bible on writing." Clear, concise and profitable writing Using StyleWriter will not only help you and your organization improve your writing, but it will also help you to focus on what you are actually writing. It will train you to…

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