To write clearly and get a good score follow these guidelines

To write clearly and get a good score follow these guidelines Before writing, think about your:

  • Aim: Be clear why you are writing. More …
  • Audience: What do your readers want or need?  More …
  • Content: Use specific and relevant content. More …
  • Plan: Organize content to meet your aim and the reader’s need. More …

When you are clear about your aim, audience and have organized your content, use these techniques:

When writing

  • Start with the key information for your reader. More …
  • Use the Five-Ws of Who, What, When, Where and Why. More …
  • Use headings with verbs to guide your reader. More …
  • Write in the plain-English style: More …
    • Short Sentences: average sentence between 12 to 20 words. More …
    • Varied Sentences: Vary your sentence length within the 20/40 rule. More …
    • Everyday words: Use familiar words.  More …

Your words: Avoid business phrases and cliches.

  • Active Verbs: Avoid passive verbs. More …
  • Avoid Jargon: More …
    • Acronyms
    • Noun Phrases
    • Coined Words

Edit and proofread your writing

  • Check your writing with StyleWriter. More …
  • Use a good grammar checker. More …
  • Read your writing aloud. More …
  • Test your writing. More …

StyleWriter lets you chose from twenty writing tasks.  I plan to have advice on writing each task, although not for the first release of the software.  Here are the tasks we cover.  The Clarity Index score changes depending on which task you choose.  Advertisements are more strictly assessed than reports.


  • Academic
  • Advertisement
  • Customer Letters
  • Email
  • Essay
  • Fiction
  • Legal Writing
  • Letter
  • Manual
  • Media Release
  • Memo
  • Minutes
  • Newsletter
  • Presentation
  • Regulation
  • Reports
  • Résumé
  • Speech
  • Technical Report
  • Technical Writing
  • Website

Clear, concise and profitable writing

Using StyleWriter will not only help you and your organization improve your writing, but it will also help you to focus on what you are actually writing. It will train you to reconsider the very reason for your writing and it’s purpose. Which will increase your own efficiencies. The latest StyleWriter now checks your text for over a million issues.  It’s become the style guide for Microsoft Word users.

Download StyleWriter 4 now for a 14-day free trial

(With no need to add a credit card)

Download our 14-day free StyleWriter trial and use the Professional Edition to test your writing style.  StyleWriter will show you how to edit your documents into a clear style.  Once you have a Clarity Index over 70 and have joined the Clear Writing Club, you can use the Clear Writing Style Seal of Approval on your documents.


Join the Clear Writing Club Now– to promote your business and improve your effectiveness.