The Benefits of Clear Writing

Clear writing matters.  Readers are busy people and want to find and understand relevant information quickly.  They don’t want pages of jargon, legalese, or convoluted prose.  They have a short attention span.  So they value anyone who takes the trouble to write clearly.

A clear style saves time, reduces misunderstandings, improves sales, cuts administration costs, and motivates staff – the list of benefits is endless.  The most important benefit is the money clear writing saves money.

Example: Veterans Affairs Letter – Saving $40,000 a year

Quoted in “Writing for Dollars, Writing to Please” by Joseph Kimble

Original Letter


Please furnish medical evidence in support of your pension claim. The best evidence to submit would be a report of a recent examination by your personal physician, or a report from a hospital or clinic that has treated you recently.

The report should include complete findings and diagnoses of the condition which renders you permanently and totally disabled. It is not necessary for you to receive an examination at this time. We only need a report from a doctor, hospital, or clinic that has treated you recently. This evidence should be submitted as soon as possible, preferably within 60 days. If we do not receive this information within 60 days from the date of this letter, your claim will be denied. Evidence must be received in the Department of Veterans Affairs within one year from the date of this letter; otherwise, benefits, if entitlement is established, may not be paid prior to the date of its receipt.

Privacy Act Information: The information requested by this letter is authorized by existing law (38 U.S.C. 210 (c)(1)) and is considered necessary and relevant to determine entitlement to maximum benefits applied for under the law. The information submitted may be disclosed outside the Department of Veterans Affairs only as permitted by law.





Words 209
Average Sentence 17.3 Excellent 11 to 18
Passive Index 67 Bad Up to 10
Style Index 124   Dreadful Up to 15
Bog Index 76 Poor  Up to 15
Reading Grade  11.4 Standard  Up to 10
Jargon  0.5%  Excellent  Up to 1%
Glue (Wordy) 46% Wordy  Up to 40%
Pep (interest and engagement) 11   Fair  Over 15
Clarity Index   8   Bad Over 80


We have your claim for a pension. Our laws require us to ask you for more information. The information you give us will help us decide whether we can pay you a pension.

What We Need

Send us a medical report from a doctor or clinic that you visited in the past six months. The report should show why you can’t work.

Please take this letter and the enclosed Guide to your doctor.

When We Need It

We need the doctor’s report by January 28.   We’ll have to turn down your claim if we don’t get the report by that date.

Your Right to Privacy

The information you give us is private. We might have to give out this information in a few special cases. But we will not give it out to the general public without your permission. We’ve attached a form which explains your privacy rights.

If you have any questions about this letter, you may call us at 1-800-827-1000. The call is free.







Words 169
Average Sentence 11 Too short? 13 to 18
Passive Index 0 Excellent Up to 10
Style Index 17  Good Up to 15
Bog Index 0 Excellent Up to 15
Reading Grade 5 Very Easy Up to 10
Jargon 0% Excellent Up to 1%
Glue (Wordy) 39% Concise  Up to 40%
Pep (interest and engagement) 30 Excellent Over 15
Clarity Index  95 Excellent Over 80


Although the letter is now clear, StyleWriter suggests the sentence length is too short.  Knowing this we could easily make a couple of changes to have a less jerky style.  We could merge two sentences in the first paragraph and delete the last sentence in the last paragraph.  The StyleWriter software offers other editing advice.  Following the program’s advice, this is the final letter.


We have your claim for a pension. However, we need more information to help us decide whether we can pay you a pension.

What We Need

Send us a medical report from a doctor or clinic that you visited in the past six months. The report should show why you can’t work.

Please take this letter and the enclosed Guide to your doctor.

When We Need It

We need the doctor’s report by January 28 or we’ll have to turn down your claim.

Your Right to Privacy

Although we might share your information with other agencies, we will keep it private.

If you have any questions about this letter, you may call us at 1-800-827-1000.


Enclosures: Doctor’s Guide, Your Privacy Rights





Words 123
Average Sentence 13 Excellent 13 to 18
Passive Index 0 Excellent Up to 10
Style Index 0 Good Up to 15
Bog Index 0 Excellent Up to 15
Reading Grade 5 Very Easy Up to 10
Jargon 0% Excellent Up to 1%
Glue (Wordy) 37% Concise Up to 40%
Pep (interest and engagement) 32 Excellent Over 15
Clarity Index 110 Excellent Over 80

Clear, concise and profitable writing

Using StyleWriter will not only help you and your organization improve your writing, but it will also help you to focus on what you are actually writing.

It will train you to reconsider the very reason for your writing and it’s purpose. Which will increase your own efficiencies.

The latest StyleWriter now checks your text for over a million issues.  It’s become the style guide for Microsoft Word users.

Download StyleWriter 4 now for a 14-day free trial

(With no need to add a credit card)

The download contains a Tutor to StyleWriter 4. We recommend you watch the Tutor’s videos to understand the program’s features.

Join the Clear Writing Club today.