Concise Writing Examples – Clear Writing Club- clear writing style, how to write clearly and concisely in plain language.

David Nickell – Writer, Reporter and Editor

David Nickell – Writer, Reporter and Editor’s review of the Clear Writing Club and StyleWriter: "I love StyleWriter 4. I am a life-long journalist who spent most of his career as an award-winning reporter on daily newspapers from California to Florida. I spent 14 years on the copy desk of one of America’s biggest dailies. StyleWriter gives me an extra set of eyes and offers a backup to my own editing. To be honest, I initially had qualms about recommending a software program that theoretically could take business away from me. But as I’ve used it, I see how dependent it is on interaction from the user. It guides you rather than does the editing for you. I should say, too, that I very much like your website on StyleWriter and the many videos that walk you through its use. All of them were very helpful. I also like the ease of using the program, its unobtrusiveness and its versatility. I am very impressed." – David Nickell – Writer and Editor Clear, concise and profitable writing Using StyleWriter will not only…

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