Clear Writing Examples – Clear Writing Club- clear writing style, how to write clearly and concisely in plain language.

Candace Smith, Novelist

Candace Smith - Novelist's review of the Clear Writing Club and StyleWriter: "I write novels and I have to tell you how thrilled I am with StyleWriter. I’ve recommended it to several writers, new and old, on Writer’s Digest. Thank you for a wonderful product!" Candace lives on a small ranch in Florida and raises miniature horses. She is a former Marine and owned a knitting store in Wyoming, before moving back to Florida in 1984. In 2009, Candace sold the lounge she owned for ten years, and began writing full time. She has been an avid pool player for twenty five years, and spends the warmer weather kayaking on the river. Her works diversify from erotic romances, to strong BDSM novels, and fantasy erotica. Please browse her website for additional titles at: Clear, concise and profitable writing Using StyleWriter will not only help you and your organization improve your writing, but it will also help you to focus on what you are actually writing. It will train you to reconsider the very reason for your writing and it’s purpose. Which…

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Stephen Joseph- Writer

Stephen Joseph - Writer's review of the Clear Writing Club and StyleWriter: "I am an African American writer based out of New York City. I always considered myself an effective writer, self-taught in the trade. Not until I came across your software did I realize how wrong I was in my assumption. StyleWriter revealed my weaknesses and shortcomings. When it comes to clear, concise and sharp writing, there is no better software. I knew when I downloaded your software I was getting something useful and proficient. Stylewriter helps me evaluate prose, sentence structure and syntax for snappy writing. Stylewriter is a user-friendly guide for the seasoned professional and for the beginner. I would highly recommend your software to other writers out there looking for an editorial software program without the deadline demands. I intend to use it as my own personal Bible on writing." Clear, concise and profitable writing Using StyleWriter will not only help you and your organization improve your writing, but it will also help you to focus on what you are actually writing. It will train you to…

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University of Carleton

University of Carleton Lecturer's review of the Clear Writing Club and StyleWriter: "I am getting used to using StyleWriter, and it’s improved my writing considerably. The simple act of having to think about what StyleWriter picks up on is so important. I’ve tried several editors, found them wanting, and, once StyleWriter arrived, a waste of money. And, I’m just learning to use StyleWriter. I am trying to get my University to consider buying a site license for the programs you offer. Without qualification I could not recommend StyleWriter and the writing guides more highly and the excellent, good-natured technical support." – University Lecturer at the University of Carleton Carleton University is an English-language public research university in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Founded in 1942 as Carleton College, the institution originally operated as a private, non-denominational evening college to serve returning World War II veterans. Carleton was chartered as a university by the provincial government in 1952 through The Carleton University Act, which was then amended in 1957, giving the institution its current name. The university is named after the now-dissolved Carleton…

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David Nickell – Writer, Reporter and Editor

David Nickell – Writer, Reporter and Editor’s review of the Clear Writing Club and StyleWriter: "I love StyleWriter 4. I am a life-long journalist who spent most of his career as an award-winning reporter on daily newspapers from California to Florida. I spent 14 years on the copy desk of one of America’s biggest dailies. StyleWriter gives me an extra set of eyes and offers a backup to my own editing. To be honest, I initially had qualms about recommending a software program that theoretically could take business away from me. But as I’ve used it, I see how dependent it is on interaction from the user. It guides you rather than does the editing for you. I should say, too, that I very much like your website on StyleWriter and the many videos that walk you through its use. All of them were very helpful. I also like the ease of using the program, its unobtrusiveness and its versatility. I am very impressed." – David Nickell – Writer and Editor Clear, concise and profitable writing Using StyleWriter will not only…

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