Testimonials – Academics

Academics' testimonials of using StyleWriter: "I have been using StyleWriter for over 10 years now. Your software is hands down the best on the market. I have yet to find another program that actually edits and trains you to write better." - Gary Wilder, MBA Abilene Christian University "Thank you for StyleWriter. I've used it on my first paper and received feedback already: 'Your paper is virtually error-free'. That's what I was working for." Becky Musil – Student "With StyleWriter 4 you have the best writing editor software on the market. I recommended your software to all of my friends doing online college classes and college professors. This software has helped me receive A grades on my academic papers and helped me get into graduate school with my graduate school personal essay. Money well spent and greatly appreciated software." Paul Lee - Graduate Student "I am getting used to using StyleWriter, and it's improved my writing considerably. The simple act of having to think about what StyleWriter picks up on is so important. I've tried several editors, found them wanting,…

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Professional StyleWriter businesses’ reviews

Businesses’ testimonials of using StyleWriter: "I work as a senior marketing manager at a Fortune 500 company. StyleWriter showed us we're not very good – no we're dreadful – at communicating with our customers. Since using StyleWriter, I've gained the skill of writing clearly. It's like shining a searchlight through a sea of corporate fog." Marketing Executive “StyleWriter has been a godsend. We are not professional writers but we write copy for brochures, ads and sales letters. We have seen our writing skills increase after installing and using StyleWriter." Director of Marketing and Sales "Who can tell if my business plan would have succeeded without editing with StyleWriter? All I know is everyone who read it said it made a refreshing change to read such a clear and well-presented document." GG Small Business Owner "No sales literature goes out of the Marketing department without passing the StyleWriter test. It must get excellent ratings from StyleWriter or it's not good enough." Marketing Director "Looking back at the way I used to write press releases I now understand why editors didn't bother…

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Professional StyleWriter goverment reviews

Governmental organizations' testimonials of using StyleWriter: “I'd strongly recommend you look closely at the StyleWriter editing software. It transforms writing into clear, concise and readable style – a style lacking in most documents, including the Federal Government … I have been using StyleWriter for almost 10 years, and would not send out a document without using this software.” Annetta Cheek - Chair - Plain Language Action and Information Network "Writing for the civil service can be difficult, time-consuming, costly, and of poor quality. StyleWriter saves you time and money, and makes you a better, more confident, writer." Morwenna Stewart - Editor – Quality Care Commission "StyleWriter 4 is the best on the market. I am joining a writing guild soon and will pass on the news of your software to the other writers." Robert T East - US Government Auditor "Congratulations. StyleWriter is an amazing product. I am a busy technical writer. Nothing leaves my desk before I analyse it with StyleWriter. Not one passive sentence leaves my desk. I find it interesting how many writers in this plain language…

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Professional StyleWriter editors’ reviews

Editors’ testimonials of using StyleWriter: “StyleWriter is the most useful piece of software I have used to edit documents. I have a Masters Degree in English and I'm used to editing the old-fashioned way, but StyleWriter saves so much time it's hard to credit. I still make the decisions, but it presents the choices to me without time or effort on my part. I love it.” Jeff Anderson - Journalist and Editor “I love StyleWriter 4. I am a life-long journalist who spent most of his career as an award-winning reporter on daily newspapers from California to Florida. I spent 14 years on the copy desk of one of America's biggest dailies. StyleWriter gives me an extra set of eyes and offers a backup to my own editing. To be honest, I initially had qualms about recommending a software program that theoretically could take business away from me. But as I've used it, I see how dependent it is on interaction from the user. It guides you rather than does the editing for you. I am very impressed.” David Nickell…

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Professional StyleWriter journalists’ reviews

Journalists’ testimonials of using StyleWriter: "I'm from the Wall Street Journal and need a copy of StyleWriter." "Do you want to review the software?" "No. I need it for everything I write." Press Journalist "Editors charge over $100 an hour to polish writing. Yet StyleWriter does 80 per cent of the editor's work. I reckon I've saved the cost of the program by running it through just a few articles." Freelance Journalist "I've used StyleWriter for a couple of years now. As a professional writer, under pressure to produce high-quality content on demand, I find StyleWriter an invaluable assistant. The functionality is precisely what a writer needs, fast and responsive, with at-a-glance metrics to tell you how each component of your writing scores: good, bad, or mediocre. StyleWriter flags up things you miss, bad writing habits, and helps you redraft to produce higher-quality work. I've found it brilliant in my 'day' job, but especially in my creative writing." Fiona Faith Ross “StyleWriter's the best thing since sliced sandwiches!" Journalist. Membership of the Clear Writing Club has many advantages. Draft clearer…

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Professional StyleWriter writers’ reviews

Writers’ testimonials of using StyleWriter: "I sent my first book to Random House. They told me it was the first draft they had ever received that didn't need editing. I'm afraid I didn't tell them I'd used StyleWriter." Author of Text Books "I write novels and I have to tell you how thrilled I am with StyleWriter. I've recommended it to several writers, new and old, on Writer's Digest. Thank you for a wonderful product." Candace Smith - Novelist “I have been using StyleWriter for over a year now and my writing has improved beyond comprehension. Previously I had self-published five sports books on powerlifting and weight training. Some buyers said the books were technically great, but a difficult read. So I decided to go to second editions using your software. When I edited them, I was horrified at my bad writing. Now they are far easier to read and understand - StyleWriter really works.” Paul Kerridge Writer “I promise to sing your praises to my friends and colleagues in the writing community. StyleWriter helped me edit articles and essays…

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Professional StyleWriter users

Users’ testimonials of using StyleWriter: "StyleWriter is pure genius." David Vickers "StyleWriter is such a valuable tool; I sometimes wonder what I would do without it. It is a trusted crutch on which I persistently rely." Alan Dennis "I must say that StyleWriter is fantastic. It's almost an unfair advantage! It makes me look smarter than I really am.” John Fueston "What a wonderful program! It's like having a good friend sit next to you as you write, but who has the courage to give honest advice on your writing." Webmaster "StyleWriter is a great program, user-friendly, and does what it says it will. I take my hat off to the designers. Nothing compares to StyleWriter." Matthew Pierce "Once I followed StyleWriter's advice and switched passive verbs into active verbs, my writing became shorter, clearer and less ambiguous. StyleWriter's advice on passive verbs alone is worth the price of the program." Government Administrator "StyleWriter has improved my writing 100 percent." Georgene Collins "As I edit, StyleWriter's analysis and ratings of my document change. There's no better encouragement to edit your…

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